Why is fitness so hard to obtain and so easy to lose? I mean, just 10 weeks ago I would get up on Sunday and run 22 miles to a 6:30 AM Sunrise meeting and it was "easy". This morning I ran as straight a line as possible to the same location 5.8 miles and felt like I have been beaten with my own broken arm!
Funny, the topic at discussion at the Sunrise meeting was Love and Tolerance. While running without my walkman, which I realized I had forgotten 1/2 mile into the run duh, my mind was a little more wandering than it does when there is music. Anyhow, I was thinking about a guy that I saw yesterday and how irritated with this person I have been. I think this guy is my spiritual barometer. Every time I see him, I am reminded of what a prick I think he is. Now when I am sound footing, I can see him as a child of our creator and that he is here for a reason and his journey has dealt him a variety of things that make him the way he is. Today was not one of those days. Today I loathed him and wanted nothing more than bad things to happen for him. Funny thing is, the more I dwelled in this thinking the more tense I became. I suspect that he was warm and snuggley in his bed with no thought of ME. Sheesh, once aware that I was twisting myself around the axel, I sought a little meditation, and pretty soon was again mellowed. The funny thing is this, just like my fitness level has fallen dramatically in a short period of time, so too does my ability to accept other people with all their faults and idiosyncracies (SP). I must use muscles, physical, emotional, spiritual, social or I lose them.....
I am told to practice certain principles in all my affairs, and that love and tolerance is to be my code. Practice, practice, practice, use it or lose it truely has far reaching ramifications for this boy!
Be well, live full,
5.8 Miles in 1:04