How can this be?

It is April, the middle of April. How can the time from February 12 to April 16th result in such a dramatic loss in fitness level. I went for 2 miles yesterday and I swear it is all I can run. The idea of going (Woo) long, 4.5 miles seems positively daunting. 8 weeks is an eternity I guess. I will say that I suspect that like my shoulder, the return trip will not be as difficult as the initial journey. October 14 is 6 months away, a mere 24 weeks. I would sure like to run under 4 hours, make that 3:56 to beat my PR set in Los Angeles in 1990. That is one minute per mile reduction in my time. Now I will say this, At Disney I was about the experience and stopped and photo'd and goofy'd off (sorry) and in B'ham I had the minor case of Montezuma's revenge, both of which probably cost me 10 minues in each race. So, make that 4:21 a 4:11 and I need only cut 15 minutes off.
This raises another question, how. I am not sure what to do next and how to properly train to reduce the time. I know just slogging the miles will get me to the finish line, however, not with the desired speed. How do I do that? I need a coach perhaps. Someone to show me what a "tempo" workout is, to determine how many intervals are enough etc.... SO how does one find a coach? The local running club does not have one. I could approach the local High School Coaches and see if any of them are interested. I could see if an Internet coach would help. That may actually be the "Modern" way to approach it, and it might be kind of fun. I welcome any input here.
I talked to Mrs. Curtai this AM and told her of my plan to run the Greater Hartford Marathon in October. She seems OK with that and Babysitters figured in, she will perhaps even join me if I can find a great Bed and Breakfast. I will look because it is always more fun to have her along.
The only thing that might mess with this plan seems to be the unknown (of course) and Ultimate. Our Team may try to field a Sectionals team and as such the weekend my be close to this Marathon. We'll See.
2 miles 19:54
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