Saturday, December 30, 2006

That is Kewl!!!!

How fun is that now I can give you Video as well as my normal blubbering!
Laughing my tail off.


Testing youtube embedding

I will run for a while tonight 20 miler is in order so I will be doing that at some point, perhaps actually a 23 miler

I have no idea what this means, but hey perhaps it will work!

Curtai Peace Out

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Long Runs and a few Pounds

Sheesh, I have told many of you that my running was in part to keep the weight off. Well during the holidays last year I did not have any trouble keeping the weight off. This year, another story, every little cookie, each bit of stuffing, and Turkey and candy and Jeez, everything is killing me with weight. I finally topped at 170 a full ten pounds over my upper goal weight. I suppose this is my "Oh My F*(*^$(*ing God weight. I know how hard it is to lose that 55 pounds. This simply must stop here. I was good yesterday for one in a row. Here is what has been getting me though, I can string two days together, then I fall off the wagon.

My pants are tight, I have Chub Rub again (I Hate when your thighs rub together and you get a rash) THis does not happen at 160. it starts at 165...... I feel completely out of control.

All I can control is today, right now. I did well for breakfast and now it is lunch time. I will do OK and for afternoon snack, but dinner is where my bain lies.

There needs to be
NO food past 7 PM. Do not feed the beast. TV shows during late night are the worst time. I could lift weights or somethign in front of the tube, but it appears that the TV and the couch suck the will out of me. I wonder how that is, that a remote and a TV can cause such difficulty.

Well whaddyagonnado, I can do my best for the rest of today and try to get in a run now.


Monday, December 18, 2006

The old lady with the flowers and a mean weenie dog

The quiet roads of the world, unencumbered by the slam of the ipod. I have taken the music off and out of my head for running for now. I want to replace the current music with the soothing sounds of nature.

I am seeking the devine in my running now. I am asking that before each run, that I can be quiet and listen to what there is for me to hear.

I suck at this, just so you know. I can not keep my mind focused on my foot-falls for even a minute before the wandering mind takes me all kinds of places. I suppose I should say that I am practicing the art of meditation, as a child used crayons to scribble. I trust that as with most things, I will get better.....

I did this today and was led to quit my run and talk for a few minutes with the lady in our neighborhood, who has the most vibrant flower garden in the whole of Fort Walton Beach. I learned that her husband passed this summer. She is cleaning out her garage. Apparently he was quite the pack rat. Her goal is to drive her car into the garage by Christmas. It struck me as odd, that after all these years her life's goal was to park in the garage. I suspect that she had long wanted to, but never did. Now that the old man was gone, she would have her way. She said he passed quietly, just sat in a chair outside and died..... I am glad that I had the chance to talk with her and told her that when I see her on my run, that I will occasionally ask if there is some small task I can help her with. She reminds me of my own Grandmother in disposition and grace. I miss her.

The run was not fast as I stopped for 5 minutes at least 46 Min. But I did enjoy it and the afternoon was sort of nice and peaceful.

The mean weenie dog and I are now friends.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Running on Emptiness

Do you go through those times where motivation is so hard to find. I still love to run, however, finding time is a bear, and getting out the door after 10 pm or in the early AM does not seem to be happening either. I am having a rough patch with life in general so it is affecting the running as well. It is like I just don't care about much of anything. Sorry for being a downer, but that is where I am. It will pass. It always does. I would like something new in my life, new job, new car something.... Alas, but that will not correct the hollowness inside.

Only the dvine can fill me. Hmmm now I know this is a running blog, but it has to be more than that at times. I am not in the black place where all that is, is to not hurt myself or others...... but neither am I in a place of tolerance and caring and kindness. It seems just beyond my grasp.

I am finding life hard to do right now. I am not keeping pace with all that needs to be done. The house is a wreck, deadlines are not being met at work, I am not finding joy in Ultimate, I am irritated by my own kid often and more irritated at myself for that. He cries constatly it seems. I know this is not true, but my distorted reality would make it seem so.

Even this blog that very few reads seems meaningless.

I tried to broach the subject of meaning with my mentors last night but it was not quite the appropriate time....

I will put on my running shoes, and that in part, will see me through.

Be well,


Thursday, December 14, 2006

Running in Wales

Well I have to say that running in Wales was interesting, but it was cold wet and tough. I think to live there you would need webbed feet. I ran for about an hour and a half round the town of Pontypool before I went back to the hotel to collapse. Usk road to the end. There was an old cemetary where the stones were from the 15oos pretty cool. They drive fast on tight winding roads and made me frightened for my life.

Thomas, I feel for you with the weatehr you seem to have to deal with, It would be tough to deal with that much rain.

I will try to write more about it but it really was not that remarkable.

My weight is up somewhat at 165.5 and I do not like that at all. It is coming quick time to do something about it......

I may have to resort to all of the tricks. I might even have to spark up the old food diary again.
Hey maybe I should just keep it here. No, to difficult.

Anyhow, life is ok although I am having an exestential crisis of what is it all about....... more on that later.

For now, it is time to go to more meetings.

Curtai Out.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Shhhhhhhh - Wales

I had a nice little run yesterday. I did not time it but I just went a different route than normal. I find that I can be a creature of habit. This latest idea of running meditation would be best done on ultra familiar courses in my opinion as the interesting things to look at are diminished. The familiarity of it all creates a better place for my mind to be quiet and to listen to the devine.

I am so frickin new to this, but I do believe it may become the modus operandi.
Quiet and plant those love based thought in the fertile valley of my mind.

I will admit that I am concerned about time to run the long ones right now. I think my next long run will be in Wales on Monday.

I do not think that Robia Reads this very often if ever, so I can tell you that I got her a cool ********** for her birthday and ********** for Christmas.

She thinks I am so behind (She would be right) But those things are handled! WOO HOO.


Monday, December 04, 2006

Nice morning Run

I am trying to get up early and run 3 days in the early AM. This morning was like pulling teeth to get out of that warm bed......

Run My 6.2 mile loop in just over an hour so it was no land speed record, but it was out the door. I am focusing right now on breathing and a running meditation. I have been reading about it in

I hope to use it to clear my head a little better.

This week is shaping up really busy,
Gifts, for the west coast
Luminaries this weekend
Pack for a whirlwind to Europe Sun thru Wed
Boss is out again today.
New Dog

Try to Run ..... LOL, I was supposed to get in a 12 this weekend and failed, will 2 6's count?

I did make a 36 minute run of my 4.3 mile loop on Friday so it is not all bad.

My diet and will power for food is down right now, so hopefully I don't become a blimp.

This is all very stream of conciousness writing with no real rhyme or reason, but alas that is how my head is right now......

TTYL Curtai