Monday, December 18, 2006

The old lady with the flowers and a mean weenie dog

The quiet roads of the world, unencumbered by the slam of the ipod. I have taken the music off and out of my head for running for now. I want to replace the current music with the soothing sounds of nature.

I am seeking the devine in my running now. I am asking that before each run, that I can be quiet and listen to what there is for me to hear.

I suck at this, just so you know. I can not keep my mind focused on my foot-falls for even a minute before the wandering mind takes me all kinds of places. I suppose I should say that I am practicing the art of meditation, as a child used crayons to scribble. I trust that as with most things, I will get better.....

I did this today and was led to quit my run and talk for a few minutes with the lady in our neighborhood, who has the most vibrant flower garden in the whole of Fort Walton Beach. I learned that her husband passed this summer. She is cleaning out her garage. Apparently he was quite the pack rat. Her goal is to drive her car into the garage by Christmas. It struck me as odd, that after all these years her life's goal was to park in the garage. I suspect that she had long wanted to, but never did. Now that the old man was gone, she would have her way. She said he passed quietly, just sat in a chair outside and died..... I am glad that I had the chance to talk with her and told her that when I see her on my run, that I will occasionally ask if there is some small task I can help her with. She reminds me of my own Grandmother in disposition and grace. I miss her.

The run was not fast as I stopped for 5 minutes at least 46 Min. But I did enjoy it and the afternoon was sort of nice and peaceful.

The mean weenie dog and I are now friends.


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