Life is wild. I have been watching Joshua for the last week or so as Robia has been out of town, first to a professional conference, the last weekend to a Charity Fundraiser. Both of these are awesome events.
While she was away I did manage to get in a few runs at lunch and a couple races. Our local races, the GATE to Gate and Billy Bowleggs are tow short distance events 4.4 and 3.1 miles respectively. I posted a 35:47 for the Billy Bowleggs, which is not too bad. I could definately tell that I was in Marathon training as the sprint pace was just not there like last year when I did a 29+ change. No big deals though as I really just concentrated on enjoying myself.
For the BB run, I posted a 25:40 or so but that is with a kid in a jogger. I could not find a sitter for Joshua, so he went with. The way this run is, that I just walked for the first minute exactly then took off. This allowed nearly the entire field to get out in front of me a thin out. The added benefit is that I was passing people for the entire race, while rarely being passed. I have to say that I really do prefer to be the passer rather than the passee. I heard second hand some people grumbling about getting passed by an Old man with a stroller. While I want to encourage everyone to have fun, I am not going to give up the occasional jogger run to keep them from getting sad about beig passed by a stroller. Perhaps they should train a little harder. LOL
Anyhow, I ran last week at lunch and clocked a sub 40, today it was 37:15 (nice) I was pleased with this as to run faster, I have to run faster.
I have no idea of how the racing schedule is going to go for the fall. Much depends on how Robia is feeling, so nothing is written in stone!
Sept - Tupelo
October - Steamtown, Harrisburg, or nothing
November - NY City If I get a lottery entry, in which case I will cancel any run in October in New England as I will be going up there as part of an Audit for work.
Additionally, there is ultimate frisbee tournaments to consider.
April of 07 perhaps, Boston if I can raise the cash!
Does anyone know how to tell when a pair of shoes need to be replaced? I have three pairs that I rotate. Old Blues are about a year old and have lots of long runs and 2 marathons on them
Oranges are the middle in terms of age, no marathons, probably would be good for rest of summer, Finally, the kids have around 100 miles on them, just broken in nicely.
FOr the sake of this post I am going to try to track the shoes miles,
Blues will start at 300 miles
Oranges at 200
and yellows at 100, Shoes to be retired from racing and training at 400 miles. I know this is kind of arbitrary but I do not want to risk injury.
So today was blues
B304, O200, Y100 <----- THis is how the shoe distance will look.