Last Day of September
This is the last day of September. Few people are on the beaches now, I really like this time of year....
In Norhtwest Florida it takes until this time of year to truly feel the presence of Fall. Football has started, Go Rams, Go Alabama and Go UCLA! This year, I am pulling for the Pheonix Cardinals except for when they play the Rams. You see each year I have a Pro team that I pull for to be a cinderella story. I am sort of pulling fo rthe Lions, but sheesh they are such perinnieal losers.....and Detroit, I don't think there is much positive about Detroit.
Now for Running, our neighborhood's Garden CLub meets this coming Monday and my plan all along has been to incorporate them into the mix on how to raise money from our neighborhood for the Boston Marathon Experience. I suppose I should go to the meeting to pitch my idea and see if there are ideas and support from that arena. Each year our Neighborhood has a "Yard Sale" I Think that specific publicity and making it as big as possible would be cool then get folks to pledge some percentage of the money they make from the yard sale...... Anyhow perhaps some ideas could be set on that way!
I have a great Neighborhood. It is part of the reason I am still here!
Curtai Out.