Monday, March 13, 2006

To the Doctor Today

Q: What does all this have to do with running?
A: Nothing, Everything, Something, I am not sure, but this is my current world!

Well it is finally here. I feel like I am going for sentencing for crimes committed, by Judge Stephanie Siberberg M.D. Well, if an ill advised dive for a simple continuation throw that I had little chance to make a play on because I was irritated at the guy throwing the disc is a crime, then yes I am going for sentencing. My arm has felt a little better each day, in fact today I moved my mouse back to the right side of my keyboard. I don't know if any of you have tried one hand typing and a left handed mouse, but it is not easy. I am in a place of gratitude today, so I am focusing on what is positive in my world. I am going to try to converse with this doctor, have an open mind and listen carefully, I am going to ask for a copy of the chart and all the tests and x-rays in the chart, politely. I have been told that they are in fact mine and that I have the right to have them.

I am going to ask about the Bone, a specific technical explanation of what broke and how it is healing.

I am going to ask about the soft tissues (ligaments, muscels etc.) Is an MRI a reasonable next step to diagnose possible soft tissue damage?

I am going to ask about rehab

I am going to ask about running

I am going to ask prognosis for playing ultimate again, and if so the time line, aggressive and passive timelines. I want a complete and full recovery even if the answer on the time line is NOT to my liking.

Anyhow, my lovely wife is going with me so she will perhaps be able to hear when I can not. I am counting on that from you honey! I will give a full report when I have more information.

I may or may not walk today, I am still fighting my weight at 4 lbs over my target goal and with little exercise, I am not making progress toward reducing. I am not bothered too much by that as long as it does not slip from where I am now.

Be well and Vaya con Dios


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