Wednesday, November 22, 2006


I am grateful for:

1) My God, to whom I can turn any time for support
2) My wife whose strength is formidable.
3) My shelter, I have a house that is nice.
4) My car that it runs and is completely paid for.
5) My other car, which safely and reliably transports my family
6) For my Dad who loves me even though we sometimes go weeks between conversations
7) My mom for her devout faith and love
8) For my daughter and her lovable innocence
9) For my son although he tries my every patience on a daily basis
10) For my job which allows me intellectual and temporal freedom ( Who uses the word temporal)
11) For my friends Stan and Dan and Ronnie and Bill, the Bait Shop Boys, who help me muddle through this existence.
12) 175 Grams of plastic, which has been the catalyst for many a friendship.
13) Running shoes that really fit well.
14) For AA, which gives me a blueprint to live my life.
15) The ability to examine not only my actions but the underlying motivation.
16) My neighborhood, which celebrates holidays as well as any.
17) For my friend Toby and the fact that he started Ultimate on the Emerald Coast.
18) For others in the local area that are willing to give up occasional weekends to go play Ultimate.
19) For my ability to organize an Ultimate Tournament.
20) For the simple fact that there are people who take care of my security, both locally and globally such that I can live a life that is removed from simple concerns of food, safety and shelter
21) There it is…………only took till 21 for me to realize how good I have it.
Gratitude works like a charm……….. Be well my friends and Happy Thanksgiving.


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