Wednesday, January 18, 2006

A Nice Day Maybe I Can Run

I like this picture, sitting down for a magic carpet ride. Resting after the Marathon. Did I mention that after the marathon, I was able to walk and enjoy Epcot and Downtown Disney until after 9 PM before going back to the room for the mandatory collapse?

Anyhow, I was NOT able to run yesterday thanks to the Axel on my van. Now I have been told that all three motor mounts are broken. HMMMM they seemed fine when I took the vehicle in. You can never trust those mechanic types....(Grin to the inside joke) So I will call and get that fixed. I am concerned that my van is getting to the point of money pit. It is not worth much and the repairs I am beginning to have to do are the $200 per visit type, which if you do the math are quickly becoming more than the vehicle is worth. GRRRRRRR.

I need to run, I want to run, I am getting restless to put some miles in again. My body feels good. We played Ultimate last night in the howling wind. For those who do not know what Ultimate is. It is like Frisbee football. As you can imagine throwing in strong winds is at least a little difficult. We still had a nice gane and I was able to do some sprint work there. Those are not the long quiet miles where my thought can wander gently out of my body to a tranquil place. Those are the miles I need to get.

Dentsit today in the AM for a scraping of the choppers, then FAA visit later today. More later from the Fun Factory!

Vaya Con Dios



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