Friday, January 20, 2006

Better - Rest and Spirit

I had an oil painting done of this picture. My mistake was the picture chosen should have been more representative of what Sierra looks like. Grrr, now I have to call the painter and ask him to redo the painting or talk Robia out of changing it. Oh well, we'll see.

On the running side, I did not yesterday, but will go at lunch today for 4.3 I went to a meeting last night and although I did not hear anything profound, just being in the room with "those" people was enough to shake a bit of the doldrums out. I have been watching a friend of mine, Erin C. work on his running. Not so long ago he was happy just to run a 5K. Last night he was saying how after laying off for nearly a week, he came back and had one of those runs where he flew. I realized he had tapered and that it worked. I muddled through an explanation of what could have happened, and he seemed interested inknowing it. What I noted about myself is that I got a great amount of joy out of telling him what I believed happened. I guess I really do like teaching. Somehow, someday, there will be a bigger component of this in my life. Learning and teaching, both I think keep me fresh. I will leave it at this; you may know that I love to play ultimate frisbee, so I was delighted to find an article titled "Flight and Attitude Dynamics of an Instrumented Frisbee" In essence this guy was published by measuring the flight of a frisbee. Life is good. for the article.

Vaya con Dios



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