The pretty lady is my lovely wife of 12 years. Yes, someone has actually put up with me for that long.
I am a 41 year old ex-smoker who gained a bunch of weight when I quit smoking. I went to weight watchers and lost the bunch of weight I had gained. In the process I have taken up running again and am now on the spiritual oddessey of the 26.2. This blog is about what I learn.
Hey guys, I ran the Half- Marathon in 1:51:25 woohoo.
I was tickled, considering I did not feel trained, felt overweight and did not feel like I pushed too hard! Cool Beans. I have the Marathon coming up in February 18th in Pensacola, so that is next on the list. Mudbowl is March 3-4 China dates are March 12-15th Pensacola Marathon is March 18th. Robia's Sister is Due near the end of March Robia has a Positive Living conference in March. Woo Hoo, March Looks to be Busy,
I went out for a long run on Monday in preparation for the Pensacola Marathon and I bonked. My nipples got rubbed raw because I forgot my bandaids, My thighs chaffed due to holiday Chub Rub. My feet hurt, my lungs did not like it at mile 11 I said forget it and headed home. The run wound up being 15 miles, but that was all I could do. I have been low on energy for the last few days and I believe that is associated with some of what is going around. It has not knocked me out, just down a notch or two. Putting away the 30 boxes of Christmas wasnot an easy task.
I managed 10 minute miles but that was it.
Today I ran at lunch and did my 4.3 miles in less than 40 minutes and was grooving pretty well. Perhaps I am on the road to recovery! I have to admit I was running partly out of anger as my usual TUesday night Ultimate game was in jepardy as the Department of Parks did not want ot give us a lighted field. The Nerve.
Anyhow, I am growing out my Go-Tee beard again, we'll see how it looks. I can assure you it looks white and I feel old wearing it..... I will suffer it for a little while as Robia seems to like it.
I have a 1/2 Marathon this weekend. I have no idea how fast i'll go 9 min miles = 117 minutes or 1:57 so I will be shooting for under two hours, that seems reasonable to me at this juncture.
There we have it, and I do dig the video thingy too!