Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Perception as a function of Attitude

Attitude = Gratitude for what I have Perception of life is good
Attitude = looking to external sorces , Perception of life is gloomy......

I am feeling older these days. It may be in part due to the fact that the kids I play ultimate with all seem faster than me. That I am not singularly the best player anymore, that being the second pick overall in the Birmingham League is a distant memory. That playing at Nationals is a remote possibility. My hair is graying rapidly, my injuries seem to be more serious, healing takes for-freakin ever.

I can still run, but the pace seems slower and the effort higher. This last weekend at the Huntsville tourney, one of the young girls on my team called me a dirty old man when I made some jokes that were off color. I don’t want to be old.

I ran the best marathon of my life a couple months ago but in hindsight it sort of feels like the last hurrah. (Full stop, self-pity patrol issues a citation)

Jesus, what a bunch of melancholy bullshit this is. OK need to shake this one off.

I am going to live to be a freakin hundred and that my friends will be old! I still can carry a team at least a little.
I am my kids hero.
My wife loves me.
My parents, think I am all that and a bag of chips.
They pay me a handsome salary at work.

Life in general is very good, however as you can tell, I am having a fight with discontentment and restlessness right now……I’ll try not to be irritable. Later today I am going to publish a list of things I am grateful for and share it with my friends.

That usually gives me perspective.

Be well, Vaya con Dios


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