A little closer to mentally stable
Well today I tipped the scales at 161.5 which is about 5 pounds heavy for marathon for me. I felt a little smell of resolve about me as I went about my morning. I felt today like I could in fact go the distance, even though I have not run yet today. I think it is the fact that I broke 40 minutes in a downpour yesterday on my 4.3 mile run. You can do the math and see that I am not fast, however I may become faster with some work.
I have made a point to seek out a friend of mine who will coach me through the Steamtown Marathon and through the February Pensacola Marathon. Hopefully by the time I run Steamtown I will have been accepted to Run for Research Team and will participate in the Boston Marathon. I might one day actually qualify, but for now I need to be content with “fundraising” my way in. We’ll see.
Anyhow, I would like to run 8 tonight, but the fact that Joshua Never is going to sleep until 9:30 or 10:00 is making it ever more difficult to Run in the PM. I am considering shifting the whole schedule to become a morning runner. I can start each day at 3 am and go from there I suppose.
Soaking wet 4.3 miles in Heavy Rain 39:50, Nice.
Be well and God Bless,Curtai
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