Learning Anything Yet, Curtai?

The picture here sort of shows what happened. I am like the guy in black, forward time 1/2 second, full speed contact with the ground, hyper extension of the shoulder joint, Bang broken shoulder...Bummer....Bring me another bowl of self pity Ice Cream.
Ok so here is the rub. Being injured really bites. I am doing what I can to learn from this. So here it are the top ten things that I have learned so far
1) The act of writing actuates muscles in the shoulder, who knew?
2) When I move my mouse to the other side of the keyboard and use my left hand, I often click the wrong button.
3) Typing with one hand, left handed makes me dizzy, I usually touch type!
4) Socks are a significant challenge, as is tying shoes.
5) 2 year old Sons don’t understand when you will not pick them up. “Daddy is broken does not register.
6) Other people who have chronic long term pain, that do not go crazy, commit homicide or suicide are tough as nails, hats off.
7) Being sidelined puts winning and losing into another perspective.
8) Depressive symptoms are a legitimate or real threat while injured.
9) Time is not linear, it is directly proportional to level of discomfort (too deep)
10) Continual reinforcement of the fact that life as I know it is NOT over, is a daily hurdle.
So there are my musings for the current day. I have not written lately out of self-pity. I walked briskly for a mile yesterday. I am trying to organize a trip to England for work, where I will also run the Blackpool Marathon, June 4th. (God willing)
The Surf and Turf Ultimate Tourney will be here on May 6-7th. So there are reasons to heal. The doctor, said 3 weeks for a check-up. I am going to follow the advice, Ice, rest etc. Oh one other good thing. I did not take any pain meds yesterday. This is encouraging. Stan if you are reading this, You are Awesome!, as are the rest of the Bait Shop Boyz.
Be well and blessed!
Hola Curtai--stan the anonymous man here--I enjoy reading your blog--first time out for moi..hope u r healing up as we speak--patience---surely right up there with love and tolerance for us class super A's--a simple exercise to keep forearm and other muscles from too much slacking off during the sling period is squeezing a rubber ball slowly--keeps up muscle tone, increases circulation, and it's cheap!!!
Vaya con Dios, amigo
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