I can now officially run a half marathon again.
Ok I can do a half again. Fatboy can run again. whew that was close. 2 years I can not get back. I am glad however that the Aion bug did not bite me as hard as the Warcraft Bug. Funny I still am looking at upgrades for Chan, not so much for the Aion toon, Curtai. I am just not invested in Aion. I will play a while longer, but I tell ya, this level of play does not make for a powerleveler.
For the Running, I think that I have now passed my Running partner in speed and distance. I am very grateful for the encouragement and sticktoitivness that he has helped me with.
Still playing some Ulty.
I would like to figure out how to incorporate Josh and Sierra More into my training........ Think Think Think.
Curtai Out.
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