Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Day After

Oh how the might have fallen. Not that I was ever mighty, but it was not so long ago that the idea of going out and running two miles was followed often by the thought "It is not even long enough to bother getting dressed." Arrogance, perhaps, ingratitude, maybe, regardless I am not there anymore. I could no more run a 10K than fly to the moon. Agin I put the shoes on and went out the door. I improved my time from yesterday by a little. 26:14 today. After yesteday the run and Ultimate last night, today just hurt.

I am tempted to put on one of those Marathon Medals and wear it today just to remind my self that hard work and persistance can put me back in physical shape.

I would like a slightly different approach this time, I like to run, make no mistake. But I want to be better overall fit that I was a s a marathoner. This might mean some weights and strength training which for me, is like chewing glass. I may look into Yoga as well, there appears to be a component of the Yoga which is spiritual based and may provide some balance to the running.

I will run distance again, but not yet, not when I can not run a mile again.

Boy oh Boy, the price I pay for addicitions.....sheesh!

Curtai Out.


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